October 2018

Tuesday, 30 October 2018


October 30, 2018 9
Assalamualaikum and hye readers.

Are you planning to buy a commercial property in Malaysia but cannot decide if commercial property is a good investment plan? Real estate agents often get asked whether a commercial or a residential property is a good investment plan. A commercial property typically refers to retail buildings, office buildings, warehouses, industrial buildings, apartment buildings and mixed building where it can be a mixture of retail, office or apartment. Make sure you engage with a real estate agent that is certified with the Board of Valuers, Appraisers, Estate Agents and Property Managers (BOVAEA). This guide will list down the differences between commercial property and residential property and also the advantages and disadvantages of investing in a commercial property in Malaysia.

1.       1-    Risk and return
For residential property, there is a demand and supply whereas for commercial property, it is much more risky in Malaysia as compared to residential property due to the economy. With bad economy it brings lesser and lower purchasing power. This will then lead to a lower demand for retail shops.

2.      2-   Lesser stress for tenant management
It is common to have tenants that are from large companies or corporations whereas the tenants for residential properties are typically individuals. With such big companies or large corporations, you can worry less on late rental payment as they are more reliable and tend to avoid the breaching of tenancy agreement.

Tenants for residential properties will normally request or prefer a fully furnished unit whereas tenants for commercial properties prefer an unfurnished unit because they tend to refurbish and decorate the unit accordingly. This will then save the owner a lot of furnishing and renovation costs.

In addition, commercial tenancy will have a longer lease between 2 years and 10 years, whereas residential tenancy will turn over every 6 months to 12 months maximum, which is considered short as compared to a commercial tenancy. This is due to business commitment that the tenants have committed to as they spent a huge sum in renovating the shops for business purposes, hence, a longer lease.

Moreover, let us say your commercial units are located in a prime area, there will automatically be tenants lining up and wanting your commercial units. The current tenants will most likely to renew their tenancy as well. That being said, you will be able to skip the hassle of looking for new tenants all over again.

3.      3-   Profitable market
The best reason to invest in commercial property over residential property is the higher income potential. Commercial property generally has higher rental rates and higher property value as compared to residential property. The appreciation of property value for commercial property is generally much faster and higher as compared to residential property. Furthermore, commercial units will have higher rental rates as compared to residential units, especially in prime area. Commercial property will normally have an annual return on investments between 6% and 12%. In addition, the price of commercial properties can increase by double in a short time (3 to 6 years) as compared to residential properties where it would normally take between 7 years to 10 years. This however, is large depending on the area of the property.

4.       4-  Financing your purchase
Obtaining a commercial property loan is typically much harder than obtaining a loan for residential property such as apartment units, condominium units or houses. Banks are usually more selective when it comes to loan application for commercial properties. Even if you manage to secure a commercial property loan from the bank, the percentage of loan secured is much lower as compared to the loan obtained for residential properties where it can go as much as 90% loan financing. In addition, the interest rate of bank loan for commercial property is typically higher as compared to residential home loan. Therefore, do look around different banks as different banks will offer different types of loan offers, depending on the kinds of commercial properties that you intend to purchase.

However, do bear in mind that you will need to fork out a big initial capital as compared to residential property for 2 reasons: commercial properties are more expensive and lower loan financing from the bank. With bigger initial investment spent on a residential property, you can only the gain in revenue will outweigh the gain in cost.

In conclusion, commercial property in Malaysia can be a good investment option as well as commercial properties can offer a more rewarding income but with more risks. Whether or not to invest in commercial properties in Malaysia is depending on your property investment portfolio and how much risk you are willing to take. Make sure you look out for factors such as the property type, location and your economic conditions before you decide to make such investment. You certainly do not want to end up regretting in the future because of the wrong choice that you have made. After all, buying property involves a huge sum of money. Plan carefully to avoid getting into financial problems.


Sunday, 21 October 2018


October 21, 2018 16
Assalamualaikum and hye readers.

Apa itu fobia?

Fobia adalah sejenis ketakutan yang berlebihan terhadap suatu benda atau suatu perkara. Ketakutan yang keterlaluan ini akan menyebabkan penghidap fobia tidak boleh berhadapan langsung dengan benda atau perkara yang ditakuti itu.

Punca-punca fobia

Banyak perkara yang boleh menjadi punca seseorang itu menjadi fobia. Ada yang memang fobia secara semulajadi daripada kecil, ada yang terkesan akibat peristiwa pahit atau trauma dan ada juga yang terikut-ikut dengan fobia orang lain.

Fobia tidak akan mendatangkan penyakit akibat disentuh. Fobia lebih kepada masalah mental yang memerlukan masa untuk bertenang. Masalah mental tidak bermaksud sakit mental atau gila. Akan tetapi, kalau tidak dikawal, boleh menjadi sakit mental ya. Jadi, jangan dibuat gurauan jika ada kenalan kita yang menghidap masalah fobia ini.

Jenis-jenis fobia

Acrophobia - Takut tempat yang tinggi. Bila berada di tempat tinggi terasa seperti nak jatuh walaupun sedang berdiri di tempat yang selamat. Begitu juga ketika menaiki pesawat. Tidur je lah.

Nyctophobia / Achluphobia - Takut pada kegelapan. Tidur malam pun tidak boleh tutup lampu. Tak lena tidur malam kalau lampu tertutup.

Ablutophobia - Takut mandi atau takut air. Macam mana agaknya mereka mandi ya?

Agyrophobia / Dromophobia - Takut jalan raya atau melintas jalan. Untuk penghidap fobia ini, jejantas sangat-sangat membantu.

Aichmophobia - Takut akan jarum atau benda tajam. Jadi, tidak bolehlah penghidap fobia ini menjadi tukang jahit yang sering bermain dengan jarum dan gunting.

Ailurophobia / Elurophobia / Felinophobia - Takut pada kucing. Kucing sememangnya makhluk Tuhan yang sangat comel. Akan tetapi, ada juga orang yang fobia akan kucing.

Baca juga: Cara memilih makanan kucing

Androphobia / Hominophobia - Takut kepada lelaki. Rugilah jika perempuan takut kepada lelaki. Adakah ini punca cinta songsang?

Gynephobia / Gynophobia - Takut kepada wanita. Rugi juga kepada lelaki yang takut kepada wanita. Adakah ini juga punca cinta sonsang.

Astraphobia / Brontophobia - Takut guruh dan petir. Ramai yang takutkan guruh dan petir. Tetapi tidak ramai yang fobia akannya.

Aurophobia - Takut lemas. Siapa yang tidak takut lemas? Penghidap fobia ini akan lebih cenderung menjauhi tempat-tempat yang menjadi punca lemas seperti laut, sungai, tasik dan sebagainya.

Caligynephobia - Takut pada perempuan cantik.  Kalau ai, ai tidak fobia pada perempuan cantik. Ai obses kepada perempuan cantik. Akan tetapi bukan obses terlampau sehingga menjadi psiko tau. Suka tengok sahaja.

Catoptrophobia - Takut dengan cermin. Apa agaknya yang mereka nampak di dalam cermin itu?

Coulrophobia - Takut dengan badut. Rasanya makin ramai penhidap fobia ini selepas menonton cerita IT yang ditayangkan pada tahun lepas.

Dentophobia - Takut dengan doktor gigi. Siapa yang jenis tak boleh fokus pada pembelajaran di sekolah setiap kali doktor gigi datang? Haa! Itu salah satu petanda korang mempunyai fobia dentophobia.

Entomophobia / Insectophobia - Takut dengan serangga. Walaupun serangga hanyalah kumbang berwarna coklat sebesar kuku jari anak korang sahaja. Silap hari bulan kuku korang pun lagi besar daripada kumbang tersebut.

Hemophobia / Hemaphobia / Hematophobia - Takut melihat darah. Pati sirap pun boleh disangkakan darah.

Sebenarnya banyak lagi fobia yang ada, tapi ai bagi contoh fobia-fobia yang biasa kita nampak. Panjang berjela entri ni kalau ai senaraikan semua sekali. Kalau korang nak tau, ada di ntara foobia di atas ada pada ai. Kalau korang pandai, teka lah yang mana satu. Hah! Apa fobia korang pula?
